Monday, February 4, 2008

Halo Movie? (hyperlinks Added)

The topic under discussion today is the “Halo Movie” I have been reading and watching blogs on the internet and the topic under descusseon in those blogs is the "Halo Movie". If you’re a gamer or if you know someone who owns an Xbox or Xbox 360 than chances are you have probably heard about the live action Halo movie currently in production with a release date some time in 2009. Well what I have gathered from all the blogs and trailer clips online is that the game from Bungie Studios that we all know and love is coming to the big screen with the help of Peter Jackson responsible for King Kong and the Lord of The Rings trilogy.

A lot of talk online is that the movie will ruin the game franchise and loose lots of fans in the span of an hour and a half to two hour long movie with a plot line that only gamers and geeks would understand. From the trailers and movie clips I have seen I can tell you from a Halo lover’s point of view that the gamers won’t be displeased with this game originating movie. The footage I looked at was from “YouTube” and it’s a basic halo combat situation instead of you fighting you get to watch, no more starting over from the beginning of the level. I have seen only eight minutes of the movie and I love it already I can’t wait to see the finished product and it looks like it will blow me away.

I have viewed this clip many times over and I still find little things I didn’t see or notice before. When watching the clip, my advice to you is watch it several times so that you know you have the story correct. At first watch I thought that the commander of the UNSC ground team, who gets impaled by a spike, is the main character Master Chief. From a second look at the movie I determined this isn’t the case, master chief is in the process of landing to support the ground troops who we follow at the beginning.

1 comment:

Cap'n Fatback said...

This is a very thoughtful post, Spartan, although I don't think that Youtube clip has anything to do with a major motion picture release of Halo. Apparently it's a mash-up of some movie footage found on the video games themselves with added credits.